All in Campaign Management

Ask the Expert: Can an Inexperienced Board Achieve Capital Campaign Success?

Ask a capital campaign expert: Can an inexperienced board achieve capital campaign success? Our advice: Take deep breath and follow the process. Capital campaigns find success by following a specific and very common process. A vital part of that process is recruiting committee members who can expand your reach to potential donors with whom you are not yet connected.

Library Capital Campaigns: What You Need to Know

Libraries often face unique challenges when it comes to raising funds for new facilities. Funding the gap between public dollars and the full cost of your building project will likely have you considering a library capital campaign. Let’s explore the specific challenges faced by libraries during capital campaigns and how a bond election might impact a campaign.

Convincing the Board: Why Hire a Capital Campaign Consultant?

Are you a nonprofit executive director facing pushback from your board on hiring a capital campaign consultant? If your board is hesitant to invest in getting the expertise and support you need to do it right, share these reasons why hiring a capital campaign consultant can significantly impact your organization's fundraising success.