All in Pre-Campaign Planning
In one of our recent workshops, a participant asked a great question: “What do you see as being the biggest indicators of capital campaign success or failure?” Money is almost always an issue, but it’s not the best indicator of your campaign’s potential success or failure. The best indicator of capital campaign success or failure is found within the leadership of your administrators and board of directors. offers a no-fee, no obligation Capital Campaign Workshop. This workshop is conducted at your location or through a virtual meeting for your board members, key volunteers and senior staff. Some organizations have even invited community leaders and major-gift donors to the workshop as a cultivation and education activity.
Capital Campaign Stages and Stalls is a series of articles providing a simple overview of the stages a nonprofit will go through in its capital campaign journey, along with the most common times the process can stall. In Part 2, we being to explore Stage Three, the Capital Campaign and its first two phases.
Capital Campaign Stages and Stalls is a series of articles providing a simple overview of the stages a nonprofit will go through in its capital campaign journey, along with the most common times the process can stall. In Part 1, we explore Stages One and Two: Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study.
Capital campaigns are built on vision, mission and dreams – all strong motivators for people to give. People like to give for what could be. Debt reduction campaigns are based on financial statements, interest rates, and business plans – all rather boring and are actually de-motivators. People do not like to give to pay for something that is already there.
A capital campaign Case for Support is a document that outlines the needs and benefits of a nonprofit’s capital request. The very best Cases for Support weave together the image of the nonprofit, its role in the community, and how fulfilling that role benefits its users and the community.